Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A full plate!

Picture this a normal ceramic dinner plate, big for a dinner right? But for a life... TINY!

This is what I am currently up against: class (had three nights in a row last week), thirty hours of volunteer work due by July 7; student teaching (mind you I am planning for two three hour classes); an online class with packets of work due on June 30; a normal class with reading, reading, and reading; and a work sample I have to work on everyday. I am SWAMPED! This June is absolutely kicking my butt. But to my doubt, I am making it through mentally, emotionally, and physically! I am staying strong with the quote that "God will never give you more than you can handle." If He wants me to teach, learn, volunteer, and work my butt off, I will!

Last week would have been much worse if it weren't for Joe. Every night he did something for me. I came home one night to Lilies and post-it notes hidden throughout my room. Another night he made me dinner before class. Another night he cleaned my room and made my bed for me with pajamas laying out for when I got home. Friday afternoon, after the grueling time and effort I put forth for school, he came over with a bottle of wine! What an amazing man I have!

On a good note... I get half of July and August off of school! I am hoping to come home for a couple weeks and maybe hit up a backpacking trip with dad! Well off to class... only 4 hours this week! Thank GOD! =)

1 comment:

tiffany jeanne said...

I'm so proud of you, Jamers! You are amazing and doing SO well with all you have on your plate! And that (uncle) Joe, what a KEEPER!

Love you tons, Tiffers