Thursday, July 9, 2009

We miss you Uncle Kris

One year ago today, we received the tragic news that our beloved Uncle Kris had been killed in a hit and run accident. Although we don't understand why this happened, or why justice was not properly served on "her", will know Kris is in a much better place.

I always loved seeing Uncle Kris during holidays. He was such a smart ass! He would constantly make us laugh! He was so intelligent also... designing robots and other technological objects I can't understand =) I made the mistake, or maybe attempt, to try and have a conversation with him about religion and robots, I am so ignorant lol!

Uncle Kris, you and Alyssa are our angles in Heaven and we miss and love you! Keep smiling that crooked smile from above that we all love.


Cara Grube :) said...

Very sweet, Jamie :)

tiffany jeanne said...

What a BEAUTIFUL tribute to Kris, who we all really miss! I'm sure you got a few tears with this one...I'm having a hard time looking at this at work. The pictures are great, too. He looks SO happy.
