Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday!

Last Saturday, July 11, we celebrated Joe's 30Th Birthday! I had class so I sent him golfing with his dad, brother, brother-in-law, and some friends. After class, Chelsea and I went to his best friend Dillbeck's house, and decorated the place up! I gave Joe a bag of thirty gifts that he got to open during the day. We also went as far as making a 30 cake (so hard). Nonetheless, Joe had a great birthday weekend wearing his thirty and thrilling sash (or as he kept calling it: his "satchel"), a button that said "30 and over the hill". We will use this button again when he turns 40! And he carried around his cup that said "Cheers to thirty years". We had quite a few people come over and BBQ, play volleyball, and hangout throughout the night.

Me and the birthday boy

The 30 cake with candles that said "Lost Count"

Jessie and I

Joe and Dillbeck

1 comment:

tiffany jeanne said...

Sooo cute and I'm sorry we missed it! I'm dying that Joe calls the sash his satchel...that is SUCH a dad thing! Cute post. I'm SO excited to be having you guys stay here this week. It's going to be a FAB weekend!

x's and o's all around!